A 100 word story for Chuck Wendig's 100 word Flash Friday Fiction Challenge. Check out his not so mild mannered blog and the other entries here.

image copywrite Almacan
Sophie touched soft skin, felt the ganglion. The boy grimaced, eyes shiny, tear-filled. She smiled. He’s courageous.
Cry. No. Big boy, Joey thought, mummy said so. He swallowed. Let the doctor palp his throat,
shivered and hid his scaly feet. Fever racked
him. The rash between his toes itched. reptilian scales advanced up his legs. Like mummy metamorphosed - a giant
lizard, from feet up.
It was metamorphovirus,
some became reptiles, others rats or birds.
He’d heard of a girl who became a fish. Drowned on air. The doctor smiled, unaware. Joey feared her
reaction. She’d lock him up.