Today I start the five day marathon at the GMAC - Grand Marche d'Art Contemporain at the Bastille in Paris. Today is for hanging but tomorrow visitors come and I'll be there for 11 hours then only 9 hours for the following four days. I'll be happy when it's finished. It feels good to prepare for a show and finally hang it and sell paintings.
Then I start the first course at Wice. It is a gift to myself to help me organize and finish the manuscript White Sky in Paris. Seven dates with Dr. Gretel Furner who offers Writing the Migrant Soul. I am a migrant soul.
When the show is over I can concentrate on the write1sub1 shorts and start planning that other story about time travel that has circled in my head. I realized after reading a post on Querytracker blog that each story has it's length and should organically reach its length. This makes sense to me as a painter. Each painting plays itself out and forcing it into something is always artificial. One brush stroke can change the whole tone of the painting and even kill it.
Then I start the first course at Wice. It is a gift to myself to help me organize and finish the manuscript White Sky in Paris. Seven dates with Dr. Gretel Furner who offers Writing the Migrant Soul. I am a migrant soul.
When the show is over I can concentrate on the write1sub1 shorts and start planning that other story about time travel that has circled in my head. I realized after reading a post on Querytracker blog that each story has it's length and should organically reach its length. This makes sense to me as a painter. Each painting plays itself out and forcing it into something is always artificial. One brush stroke can change the whole tone of the painting and even kill it.